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there was atime when I called a spade a spade

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4GS | 22:11 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
then I tripped over the one in my garden "!@#$$%^&*()"


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You should of heard what I called the broom I stepped on a few years ago, very comedy strip style, but it did land me in hospital!!
according to doctor phil, you now have to call a spade "a damn shovel"
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The PC brigade now say we have to call it an:

'Horticultural soil moving, implement'

You couldn't make it up
Lego in the shagpile ..that has been called a few names.
You really do need to read Regulation No 43 of the *Garden Implements and Safety Implications thereon* of the Health & Safety at Home Act, 2010..... coming to a garden near you in the next few years..... My understanding of this particular reg is that you should never leave a space or shovel where a humanoid can trip over it.... A fork should also ALWAYS be pushed down into the earth for at least 100mm *just in case*

Personally, I blame cats...
shagpile randy ?

that would have been back in the 1970's then, yes?

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there was atime when I called a spade a spade

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