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I just want to cry....

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Jillius | 14:36 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I woke up this morning and have felt very weepy ever since. I have watched the news and heard about the recent soldiers being killed. I cried at that. I cried watching Ian Clayton talking about his little girl that died. I ran over a rabbit and cried. My daughter's friend has fallen out with her. I cried. I can't pull myself together. Do other people feel like this today ?


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Awww you poor soul, too much happening for you at once. Its just one of THOSE days and it can only get better from now xxx
No, I don't feel like that.

I guess you're just hormonal!!

Try and think of some good times/things to try and make yourself feel better.

Chin up!
not really but cant seeanything wrong with it though. Why not collect your tears and market them like:

Shed tears over a run over Rabbit
'helps lose weight and improves night vision.'
We are all allowed to have down days, its natural. Hope you feel better soon xx
No, I don't today but I've had days like that. Hope you feel brighter soon. x
Question Author
Thanks all ! xx I'm sure tomorrow might be better.
(((((((((((((((((((((((for jillius)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Its one of those days ain't it.
oh I have those days but sometimes I feel stupidly happy too. I blame hormones!! I'm sure you'll be fine by the evening!!
if you have these down days a lot then i would sugest you go and see a Dr. 1 in 10 people are deppresed and the happy pills they perscribe do help.

chin up though tommorows another day ;o)
I found that a herbal remedy called Agnus Castus works wonders for any one suffering from PMT.
ST Johns Wart is a another good one is it's depression and not related to a hormons.
But at trip to the DR might help if ur not sure of herbal stuff.
Try Avon, they do a range of aromatheruptic stuff!!!

I use their energy aroma and it perks me up!!!!

Ooops, will I get reported for advertising????
LOL Funny.
If legend has anything to do with u will.
Legend is my friend, he won't report me!!

Where is he today??!!
Hiding behind you funny. :-0

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I just want to cry....

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