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flirting and faithful

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mirela | 19:58 Tue 17th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
a male mate just told me you can filrt and faithful at same time. im confused... how? shame he got cutted off, othweise could ask him more.


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Anyone can flirt. I do it quite often. I also admire men's bottoms when I see a nice firm one.

I would never dream of being unfaithful to Mr O....but I can still window shop!
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interesting, you flirt in which way then.
me and my mate were just chatting about this topic in general, he said you can flirt and faithful same time, but you have to gain the right to flirt by making your other half happy, then line been cutted off, lol just not sure i understood what he was talking about.
i don't know about "gain the right" to flirt. You have to be totally secure in your relationship.
Examples of my flirting include a guy who runs a keep fit class I go to. He was telling me that one of his (bitchy) colleagues accused him of having sex with all the customers. I now flirt outrageously with him and keep asking him when it's going to be my turn!
I flirt with the guy in the newsagent and with my windowcleaner. Mr O flirts with the cleaner at work, the barmaid in our local rugby club and an 83 year old (female) neighbour.
It's all harmless fun.
Hi hun, yep, flirting is harmless and definitely does not mean that you are being unfaithful, however if you know your flirting makes your other half uncomfortable then that fact should be respected and acted upon accordingly really in my opinion. Depends how far the flirting goes really though, just light hearted stuff is no problem. I think most of us do it to be honest.
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oh i see, how about texts,emails, online flirting? not many people do that when they in relationship i guess?
No, I only flirt in person. It's so easy for texts/emails etc to be misunderstood.
Or used against you ?

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