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Ice Maiden

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bigmamma | 22:32 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Ice sweetie , not sure if you will be having an early night honey so just want to wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you , and longing for you to be back here posting and recovering when you are ready. ((( big hugs )))
You will be fine sweetheart , take care honey :-)


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Thank you hun, and I hope you keep fit and well. I'm trying to be brave, but there are people far worse off than me - so yes, hugs to everyone, and bring it on! I'm staying here for a while longer, but I doubt if I'll be going to bed when the sun rises! Have to be at the hospital for 7.30 a.m., so I'm going to make the most of whatever time I can give tonight. xxxxx
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Bless you hun , I know you will be brave , you probably won't get much sleep tonight , I don't know , but I expect your mind will be doing somersaults. :-) xxxxxxxx
Oh dear-I am having a bit of a sentimental blub for my dear friend.......All I can say is that I wish you the best with as easy a recovery as possible.I too will be thinking of you-and my hope for you is that all goes well with as little pain as possible. I will miss your mischieviousness on here and expect you back quickly missus-lol xxxxxxxxx ((((())))))
Pasta hun - I hardly know what to say. You're all the bestist of the bestist!!!! I've just welled up myself - see the other thread. It makes you realise that there are still some pleasant people in this world.
You, my lovely friend, bigmamma - oh, there are so many of you! xxxxxx
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You've got me welling up now too , I would rather go through anything myself than think about my dear friends having to go into hospital . xxxxxx
Bigmamma - don't take this the wrong way - but I have to make a joke now!!! You're very welcome to take my place hun!!!!!
Oh BLESS!!!! You're so sweet, and i couldn't resist that one!! xxxx
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Hee hee , Ice , the surgeon would get a bit of a shock if I took your place , I had everything whipped out in a hurry 3 years ago , he wouldn't find anything in there ....ha ha !
Big mamma......first of've made me cry - properly!!!! I never expected that. xxxx
Heavens....I wish I was able to be here tomorrow night. You've all cheered me up so much, and I can't think of words to express how I feel - except that I must be a mardy baby, because everyone else who's been through this - or worse - just gets on with it!!!
Thank you. xxxx
Just to wish you all the best for tomorrow,im sure you will be fine.
Chrissy xx
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Oh sweetheart , you have a little cry love , you must be feeling emotional , what you are going through is not easy and it's probably only us women that would understand that.
On the other hand love , I don't mean to make you tearful here tonight when you are spending time with us all before you come back after your recovery. You need some cheer too . xxxxxx
Well my husband and family've been brilliant of course. Friends've rallied round, and I'm sure I couldn't be in better hands, but look at all these posts!! I don't know any of you, yet you're all so beautiful and kind.
It's not your fault I cried, bm - it's me. It's just touched me that strangers could be so supportive, but you know what? We're NOT really strangers, are we? It's like a little extra family. xxx
Aw Ice, wishing you again, all the best from me, along with everyone else.........difficult time for you, but think of the positives...

you dont have to read any more of Legends posts for a while :-) xxxx
Ice, take that last sentence back ........... y

You've got a LARGE extra family!

Don't know what the problem is, but whatever it is, chappie wishes you a very speedy recovery ......... keep your chin up and keep smiling lass, you're doing a cracking job.

Lots of luv and hugs
from chappie.


Just want to add my good wishes + some positive vibes for you. Take care xxxxx
Oh b*gger it, knew I should have spell-checked my last post!
Thank you all so much.
I'll write to you properly when I can, petal x
Thanks to you as well chappie. (See you've kept the name! Bless) x
Christine - cheers hun. x
Big mamma - you're a sweetheart. x
Pasta.....she knows what I think...and I think she's done a runner!!! Mwhahaha! x
just wanted to re-iterate what every one else has said,
Good luck, best wishes and speedy recovery ice-maiden. xxXxx
Hey Ice, just had a thought about that 829 that mysteriously crept in on my post .......... could that be the size of your extended family do you think? lol.

:o) chappie.
Ice.Maiden - Please forgive a (relative) stranger to CB-land for being somewhat presumptuous!

I was being nosy & found this thread, so may I also add my very best wishes to you & hope you have a swift & comfortable recovery! (I don't know from what, mind!)

Hurry back with your "Mwhahaha!"

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