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redcrx | 08:57 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
any news hun?

Is baby here yet?

Did you SIL get to go back and get something to help her get some rest?



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No he's not here. They went back to the hospital around midnight, she had her waters broken for her at 6 this morning and she's still 4cm and 3.5 minutes apart contraction.

She was getting checked again at 7.45 and if there was no change, put on a hormonal drip.
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oh poor thing, she must be exhausted by now.

I hope baby decides hes better out than in now that his nice warm bath has gone :)
Well you know what boys are like, they spend the first nine months of their lives trying to get out of a woman and the rest of their lives trying to get back in.
I'm back from the dungeon
I hope so Red!

Doc - He's not allowed to do things like that - ever! :)
Yay 4get! Did you find out why??
Boys will be boys.
No I was probably back on yesterday but just logged in this morning
Oh well, so long as you're out now. Are you OK?
yer Im alright
No further forward, Red. She's just accepted an epidural.

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