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1950s schools paintings

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frodsham | 08:54 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Does anyone remember the fabulous pictures we used to have on the walls in 1950s classrooms. They were of farmyard scenes, seaside, and townlife etc. They were wonderfully painted and so graphic. Can they still be seen anywhere or is there an online picture gallery I could view?


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When I was about 17 I went to Frodsham on Friday night with a couple of mates.

The place was awful, pubs closed at 10.30.

If you live in Frodsham you have my deepest sympathy.

I think the pictures you mention only occured in Frodsham to avert your gaze from the otherwise dismal views.
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No I dont live in Frodsham never have. But I can see the sense in closing the pubs at 10:30Pm. perhaps it keeps out any undesirables from wanting to live there.

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1950s schools paintings

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