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Matlock clothing quiz

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granny grump | 22:12 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
32 Answers
Would anyone kindly give me clues to the last ones left on this quiz. I'm afraid I am stumped on quite a few but closing date is drawing in apace.
22 Add a hesitation and a point to hang
28 A mean scoundrel pass in a mountain range the god of a house
31 take a catapult and urge on and scramble
36 Froth on liquid mark plus note
47 Furtive hesitation plus point
53 TEN MOAT RASH (anag)
54 secondary to, wheezes
69 Add a drink to twice as much
74 Note several horses
87 Scramble voters
105 material applied to wound; take slang for money loose a vowel & mix

Clues please - I will have time to work them our before I go on holiday - Thank you in advance


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Many thanks spitza, Googled your clue and got the answer !
Question Author
Thank you doogie (again) and spitza and johnalex this should help

Sorry doogie the only answers that I have for 50 and 106 are those that I have previously seen on AB

50 Tops & 106 Suit but not happy with them because I don't understand them

again - good luck
Granny Grump not doing this quiz but wouldn't notice be spot, then spoil it or anagram would give you tops.
36 wear this to protect your new hair do
47 Footwear for when you have to creep around
87 anagram of another word for voters (think of government)
31Hello GG - my previous clue is possibly ambiguous. The anagram is from both words (5 + 3) rather than just the first one (5). The second word (3) also needs to be scrambled, or you could have it with bacon. Regards, ja
Question Author
Thank you Headley, pandora_isme, johnalex and shaking (sorry shaking I missed you off on the previous page).

I think I'm doing well with the alternative clues - thank you all - still a bit stumped on
36 Is it Scarf? if so where does the froth on liquid come in - sorry pandora_isme
Good clue for 47 thank you

And I'm really sorry doogied - can't work out your clue for 28 - my failing not yours - Ministers apparel - I can only think of vestment or surplice but they don't fit the clue
froth on liquid - think of beer! scarf is right
28 another clue might be time for walkies rover (hope thats not too alternative)
Question Author
sorry pandora_isme you really have lost me now
28 head scarf
28 dog collar

lol GG never was any good at clues
Thanks, grannygrump, like you, I'm not entirely happy with "tops" and I can't see how "suit" fits at all . Are you doing the Scottish Islands quiz?
Question Author
Thank you AGAIN pandora_isme - can I adopt you?

It's a pleasure doogied - no I havent seen teh Scottish islands quiz - is there what is the closing date? - We go on holiday tomorrow
Hi grannygrump, the Scottish islands quiz closes on 30th June,so you won't have time, enjoy your holiday.

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Matlock clothing quiz

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