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leggy needs a...........

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xXJoRoXx | 03:20 Sat 21st Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
life? friend? hobby? passtime? diet?

all of the above?


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diddy do it?

diddy hell!
Only 1 of them whiffy .The other 3 are still there as backup.


" Life could be worse .Couldnt it ? "

Not looking at that .Unless it was well dark.

" Life could be worse .Couldnt it ? "

Wheres joro?
Just got a very interesting email .
Seems ive been sent their profile.

The games afoot

fetch the horses

" Life could be worse .Couldnt it ? "
O Goody -pulls chair even further up for more diddiyilating facts.
pulls chair up too and offers Dris some popcorn :) diddyawant caramel or salty........know what you are gonna say LOL
My nose is hitting the screen now -cannae see a thing.Diddy he mean it do you think?
och typical eh? a promise of something and then he diddnae deliver. ooops Sorry Timothy, no offence!


yawns, at yet another pointlessly rude question

xXJoRoXx ... why do you upset yourself by reading Leggy's posts? (or anyone else who you find upsetting).

Exercise your adult freedom to p1ss off somewhere else.

thinks ... should that anyone else "whom" you find upsetting ??

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leggy needs a...........

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