ahhh leg hows ye doin. i feel for you about those viscounts mate. opening those must have been horrible. curly wurlys are smaller as well yet the price keepsgoing up!
puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuntang, I have over 30 different shades of chilli sauce, today's is from The Pickle and Spice Co of Harrow, actually one lady working in her kitchen, and it is spectacularly hot, it takes your breath away, and is not one to have too much of if you are driving early the next morning.
whiffey i wish we could see if you could eat the same hottness as me. not to prove anything its just i have never met anyone who can yet. sauce sounds nice though
puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuntang, I have rarely been in pain from chilli except when sipping those suicidal capsaicin extracts from the bottle, and don't believe all that rubbish about eating yoghurt or Lassie to relieve the pain - no, Budweiser or Bangla is the solution.
Have you tried Dorset Naga chillies (google) ? I have loads in the freezer, just ONE chopped into a curry makes for a memorable experience.