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Bloomin' heck, wish Lexi would do that!
The door is secure for now but I too reckon there is more than the tenant is telling us. She said she was in trouble (drugs related, I suspect dealing) 10 years ago but nothing since. She said she met up with some aquaintances from that time and thinks that this is how it happened. Personally I think not, as am sure the police dont (usually) go breaking down doors just because of who you hang out with. Unfortunately the flat is in another town and we have no way of knowing of the 'comings and goings' and only have her word for now.
Mrwarpig rang the police station last night but apparently the drug squad only work monday to friday, lol. I am assuming they are out busting people at the weekends or else that would be the perfect time to peddle ones wares.
Will ring them again on Monday.