If you do decide to buy your own domain name, you should also consider the other options which you're offered. For example, if the 'real' address of your website is www.myownisp.co.uk/users/r/rosiesunligh but you've bought the name www.rosiesbargains.co.uk, visitors will be able to see your site by typing in the personalised URL. However, as soon as the site appears on their screen, the URL in their address bar will show the 'real' address. You can prevent this happening by paying a few pounds extra for 'address masking'.
You also need to think about an email address for your business. If you want people to be able to contact you at
[email protected] you'll have to pay for one of two types of email service. One simply forwards mail to your personal email address. (That means that your outgoing mail will show your personal address, not the business one). Alternatively, for more money, you can get a full email service, which lets you send and receive mail using your business address.