July Quizmail in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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July Quizmail

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podger123 | 13:29 Tue 24th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
So, as predicted, that's the end of Quizmail! The ABers who couldn't complete it without begging for answers, and the ABers who supplied the answers have contributed to it's demise.
What will follow? GBQ, GFQ, almost certainly The Listener?
How sad.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Do you have a link to this story?
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Well yes! I went to the quizmail website to see if the new quiz had been posted and it has. Along with the news about Wallabies and Last Season. Don't you do that? And there's a little word called please you forgot.
Nowhere on that site does it mention AB or the quiz shutting down due to people asking for answers.

In fact, quite the opposite:
"...but we believe that quiz tournaments such as Quizmail still have a very viable future with the use of modern computer and internet technology. "

No, of course I don't check that site. Why would I? So again, I ask for a link to where you got this story from PLEASE.
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Do you understand English? I said contribute. I belong to a large quizzing organisation and an email group and we've all agreed that since AB started , Quizmail entries have gradually dropped by about a half. AND the prize money fund. It doesn't have to spelled out on the website. It's often mentioned in the newsletter that accompanies the new quiz. if not mentioning AB by name. They'd probably get sued if they did. What you quoted doesn't refer to AB, I'm sure, but you are of course entitled to your opinion. When Quizmail began it was like a pub quiz with teams and mostly books were used to find the answers. That's what they mean. You may like to email The Proprieters to find out. It's quizmail@postalquiz.com.
bye bye for now. Back to the real world for a bit.
But it's just you and your friends who have assumed it was people asking for answers. Nowhere on the official site (which I presume that is) mentions anything like that.

They say they are stopping it due to not having the technical expertise to run it over the net.

Don't get me wrong podger, I don't wish to argue but we certainly have different opinions about this subject and opinions that I don't think either of us are willing to change.
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But you do argue squarebear. On and on and on. I never said anything about official. My post was for quizmailers. By the way is AB official? I can't find it in any encyclopaedias or directories at the library. If you are the AB Editor could you say where I'll find this information?
What do you mean by is AB official. Are we reading the same thread?

Sorry, you didn't say that you were merely guessing that's why Quizmail is packing in. I foolishly assumed there was some element of truth in your assumptions which you could have backed up by a quote from someone from the quizmail team.

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