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�500 sunday telegraph

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creamegg | 13:50 Wed 25th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
These clues are all interlinked, im hoping someone can tell me the answers as its driving me bonkers!

28d- vital crucial 3-9
??? important

31a- generosity bounty
??r?e?e? - thought it might be largesse but if it is then I have 27d wrong which I thought I had right

27d- banshee appears wretched seeing fading star 3-4
I have she bean

26a- where to put a show while in motion 2,3,4
?n ?h? ??o? - I have on the foot but if it is foot then she bean is wrong... arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!



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"has been" not "she bean" :-)
27. Has been.
28. All important
26. On the road.
Question Author
if it has been, then the 26a clue letters are:

?n ?h? h?o?

on the hoof?
If you are writing nonsense such as 'she bean' and 'on the foot' into grids, I suggest you get a new hobby.
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Quizmonkey I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself attacking me like that! I have a wealth of knowledge and have won many crosswords/competitions, I do NOT appreciate you passing judgement on me like that..

Is your clue for 26 across correct? is it 'put a show' or put a shoe'?
Question Author
26a where to put a shoe while in motion sorry.

Gosh I just cannot believe the cheek of some people, I am stunned at that comment Quiz monkey, stunned and dismayed. You silly silly fool.
A wealth of knowledge? There is no such phrase as 'she bean'. There is no such phrase as ' on the foot'. QED.

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�500 sunday telegraph

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