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stuck on this

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starmack | 15:49 Wed 25th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Need help with this crossword clue for evening post. Any help appreciated.

It's the yard I develop to milk it! (8 letters)


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YARD I is an anagram of DAIRY, but you'd have to review your other letters if you want to use it !

Sorry...You can't stretch "dairy" to fill 8 spaces......
Must try harder.
starmack - you only show two letters A an E placed. Do you have any more clues solved?
If this is a rather old crossword, I seem to remember the word CREAMERY suggested for it. I don't really see why though.
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Hey, thanks to all. Much appreciated. I sent the crossword...but cannot even remember what I stuck in. I was working with DAIRY/YARD-I alright but it didnt fit other (more certain) letters.

Hadnt even thought of Creamery

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stuck on this

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