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paid when released early

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gina32 | 10:21 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | News
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Read this before it is apparently to compensate them for loss of prison wages.

You couldn't make it up could you.
The average prisoner now leaves with an extra �82 (they already get the standard �47 discharge grant received by all offenders on leaving jail)

Mr Straw said in a written answer to MPs: "A total of �1,953,854 in subsistence payments is recorded as having been paid to prisoners released on end of custody licence between June 29 2007 and March 31 2008.

"During this period a total of 23,716 prisoners were released on ECL.

"Subsistence payments are made because prisoners on an ECL are released under temporary licence from prison... and... are statutorily ineligible to receive benefits payments."

Still, we could leave them to fend for themselves with no money. I wonder what they would do?
What do they propose this money is for? What do they expect them to do with it?
If your objection is on money, then it would cost �600 a week for them to stay in prison. And this costs �87 (one off payment) to release them. They cannot claim benefit while they are on temporary release (they go back in if they do not behave themselves.), so the �87 is for them to live on until they are entitled to benefit or get a job.

The message it is probably sending is, they are better off staying in prison. qazl71s0jl-vLPDEYAPx5w

^ �82
'Still we could leave them to fend for themselves with no money. I wonder what they would do?'

Possbily the same as when the money runs out?
�82 pounds isn't going to go far is it?
Into the till of the nearest pub, probably.
Maybe after the organised party with champagne and brasses they would spend the money on a load of modified minis for their next job in Italy?
It's like some kind of self-preservation society.

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paid when released early

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