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Rubbish at maths

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natalie_1982 | 14:47 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
If a box weighs 1kg and a �2 coin weighs 15.98g, approximately how many �2 coins are in the box (of course assuming there are only �2 coins in the box and the box is made of cardboard so is very light.)

I can't seem to work it out.


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so 1000/15.98 = 62.57 coins. Approximately 63 coins.

This is schoolkids stuff.
Well, I'm not so great with maths either but I come up with an answer of 62 coins.

1000 grams in a kilogram, so I divided the 1000 into 15.89, which gives you 62.93, I rounded it down to 62 coins.

I don't know if I'm being dumb though. LOL
I know, yes the answer is either 62 or 63 easy peasy!!!

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Zacsmaster, thanks but I only needed a rough guess - it's my savings box and I wondered how much was in there. It's to go towards a holiday next Summer :-)

Naflharrisons, thank you

Squarebear, luckily I am neither a schoolkid or an accountant.
Incidentally, I think you meant "It is schoolkid's stuff" in that it would be stuff belonging to schoolkids and requiring an apostrophe. Thanks for bringing it up though.

I might be wrong and I am sure Ethel or Lucy whatshercops will pick me up on it if I am.
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Thanks Lakitu and funnygirl

At risk of making myself look even dumber, I did actually get an answer of 62/63 but knew that the pot had more than that in there which is why I asked - I had forgotten that they were �2 coins and that I would need to double it to �124 / �126 LOL
lol, surely itd be quicker to count them?

sounds like a nice little pot you have there though!
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Red, I glued the lid on so I couldn't dip into it LOL! If I take it off and reglue it, Mr Nat will know and it is supposed to be a surprise (although we are allowed to weigh it to get an idea!).
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Noknowledge, you can't be great at everything eh? :-)
We all have our strengths and weaknesses, don't worry about it x
Sorry, no offence but I am suprised that you couldn't work this out.

Imagine the box was 8kg and you had it full of 2kg weights. How many would be in the box? 8 divided by 2 = 4 weights.

You hardly need to be an accountant and I'm sure having a dig at a missing apostrophe made you feel a lot better.
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Order order in the house.

" Oh lordy, trouble so hard ,Oh lordy, trouble so hard."

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Rubbish at maths

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