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"The difference I would make at *****"

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Oneeyedvic | 10:49 Sat 11th Nov 2006 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
I need to do a 10 minute powerpoint presentation for an interview for a training position with the above title.

Whilst I have no qualms about doing a presentation on the type of presentations I would be doing in this job, I am in a little bit of a quandry as what sort of 'difference' I would make in a medium size organisation.

Any tips / advice would be gratefully appreciated.


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If its a training position, you will be doing a presentation which shows your ability to communicate with others and get a message across - which mean that you will be doing the same thing with them. You could draw a correllation between the presentation you are doing for them and what you will be doing in your job. Ten minutes is not long. Its the message which is important rather than technical skill. Keep the message simple and concentrate on the main points - up to four or five of them which stress your individual skills and strengths (you know yourself better than anyone). Accentuate the positives and do not mention any negatives. Read the person specification and job description to help you with identifying those points you need to stress.
Hi Oneeyedvic. You can't be expected to know about the differences you will make to an organisation that you do work for (as you might not know what they currently already do!), so the best aspect is to focus on your skills themselves. The business will be looking to see someone who is dynamic, committed and keen to implement realisable (and effective) changes within their current structure, therefore dannydingbat's advice is really good. Think about structuring your presentation focussed on say 4 key points, and order in a way which develops naturally to a conclusion. If the interviewers have a number of people to interview, then they will be looking for something to remember, so ensure that your slides are attractive, well laid out and checked and double-checked for spelling, grammar etc. As they will be looking for someone whos attention to detail is strong, ensure that they will be impressed with anything put before them.

Overall, ensure that your message is focussed on the strong skills you will bring, but be sure to include the fact that you believe in continuously learning too, and that as an employee of their company you will be keen to develop the processes that work within the business, and drive change in the areas which are not so strong.

Best of luck.
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many thanks to both of you for your advice - interview is next Thursday - though not absolutely sure I want the job yet!

Will let you know how it goes.
How did it go, Vic?
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Sorry ewand, should have posted earlier but have been really busy:

in the end I decided to cancel the interview, as I enjoy my current position too much!

Still appreciated the advice though!
Thats alright!

You never know, you might not have got the same internet privileges and that it could have been the decline of one of ABanks old warhorses!
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would have been good experience for you!

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"The difference I would make at *****"

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