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Abdulmajid | 00:48 Sat 28th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
You are in a particularly hilarious mood this evening.

Are you drunk??

What a surprise.


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I don't think he'll reply, he is currently gambolling around the garden prior to lockup.
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You are hilarious Abdul. What makes Trolls like you come out at night. I can't e botherd


The Legendary Dr's in the house!

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Hi wardy , knobby and legendfidler .oops whiffy

how original

Question Author
Whiffster, does one envisage if knobbynofriends attended a half decent school (assuming his father {if known} actually had a job) he would be the poor soul whose head was flushed down the toilet??

I picture a Pogo Patterson kind of guy. Right or wrong?
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i visit this site mostly for a laugh and you all never fail me. I was about to get in bed and thought i'd see what's going on here. what a bunch of hilarious folks you lot are!
I think his father musthave been a very intelligent man. Sadly the apple fell far from the cart.
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I think we would have boot polished his boater and stuck a rose up his bum.
bag lady

i like you
I like you too Leyenda, God said to like everyone.
I like evryone too. Just not youse

The Legendary Dr's in the house!
^^^^ Errr ? But he's a complete ar$ehead !!
Whiffey, are you saying he's human with the head of a donkey (or ass as you put it) Was he a Caesarean section baby. lol
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