knocking me sick in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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knocking me sick

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Theland1 | 22:42 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
1 and 1/2 bottles of red vino collapso to go before bed and already feeling the swell of the waves - but i'm in my house!
Telly on in front room - noise of mandelo sycophants is deafeneing and sickening - shower of hypos!
Fell like puking at them/

Am just a bit peed off with hypocrysy -- and wondering where In A Pickle is - any body heard? Worried about him / her

Sorry to interrupt your evening - just ignore me and carry on talkikng
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sir.prize, are you happy with my proposed 2p per �1 increase in income tax? It'll do a bloody sight more good than a concert.

bollox .

big wobbly

hairy bollox

cn you believe this?

eat ginger biscuits !!
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We should give up our spare rooms for refugees from Zimbabwe - I haven't got any - what about you? You cant turn your back on our black brothers
IAP replied on the thead Theland m'dear and seemed to be doikng much better.

Now what are you getting peed off at hypocracy for? Being a christian I'd have thought you'd be used to it! ;0P (You can tell Mibs I've detention for that but if you will give me the stick then you should at least expect a small prod).

Perhaps leave the vino and have an early night (ish)? It'll sort out those ciggie cravings. I meant to buy some on the way home but didn't and am now sincerely wishing I had.
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I'll have to go look for thqat IAP thread - thank goodness he / she is ok

Not being nosey - just happy to know that folk like china and bathsheeba are around to give advice to people like pickles - and others of course - good people - helped me in the past
I've had a few ciders, and you still don't make sense with that one, I have however just watched (again) a really good ghost story on DVD called "The Baby's Room" hence my reply, I think this film is proper sh1ttifying in parts and would reccomend it to anyone who likes a film that relies on plot rather than gore.
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123 - i shall note that film for my lad to get hold of for me- i like that word - sh .......fying - so apt
Sh1tifying will be in Roget's thesaurus before you know it (you heard it here first) can I spell whilst drunk?
I have to warn you it's a Spanish film (with subtitles) I like foreign films but some don't.
"Brotherhood" is another good film it's a South Korean war film and is available for �3.00 in HMV, so is "Assembly" (like a Chinese Alamo) which is actually a true story it's got a great line in it that goes "you're brave now! It's on;y because of your parents good deeds that we never met in battle" it's about a man quest for "truth and honour" if you understand a bit about Chinese (Oriental) culture you'll enjoy these films.
I'm going to bed, it's past my bow time now.
Never mind,even the most devout of Christians fall off the wagon sometimes,especially when the cork is removed!
my cork is gone west .........................
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I have just fell off the wagon too but my glasses are too gone about as well?

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