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poygamous marriage

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claymore | 12:18 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | News
39 Answers
Here in Australia the Muslim community is up in arms because the government is refusing to recognize polygamous marriages . They claim that the government has no right to interfere in Islamic law and that it is in the best interests of women to enter into such marriages. What do you think?


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Raggy Vic - Are you suggesting one law for one and one law for another? Yes. Just as we have in this country. (eg it is legal in this country for a Sikh to not wear a crash helmet when riding a motorbike. or if you want a non racial one, it is legal for a woman to have 12 months paid maternity leave).

Also Polygamous marriages are legal in the UK so long as the marriage took place in a country where polygamy is legal.

Would you prefer that anyone who did have more than one wife was immediately arrested on their arrival in Britain?

Brionon - no I am not defending their punishment - I am pointing out that whenever you discuss Muslims / Islam, that posters are prone to exaggeration. She was never in any danger of losing her life. Yes, there were hysterical people calling for her to be put to death, but there are plenty of hysterical people on this site who call for British people to be put to death. Just because people scream and protest, it does not change the law or the statutory punishments.
For goodness sake.....this teacher didn't name the was the majority vote from her class of muslim children.

Give the children the lashings!
hmmm im not a fan of bigots.
Blimey, this is a bit much.

A section of society wants something to be made legal. The law currently prohibits it. So they campaign for a change in the law.

They know that they might not succeed in getting it changed, and they're aware that if the law remains as it is and they break it, they will face punishment.

Isn't that er... democracy? Isn't that how it works for everyone who wants a law to change?

People who still want to hunt with dogs. People who want to use maijuana for pain relief. People who want to help a loved one with assisted suicide. People who disagree with council tax. Anyone who wants a change in the law of the land.

Since when has democracy demanded that you put up and shut up? I always thought freedom of speech and the right to protest were good things. Are they not?
Muslims have to respect the law of the land and I being a Muslim has no objection about that. But then there are mostly two types of laws in any country. Criminal and family or personal law. Criminal law should be respected and abide by. Like death penalty is not in force here in Britain Whereas family law has everything to do with your mainly personal or religious and cultural matters.

Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife and there are lot of reasons behind that and not only faith. It is a long debate that even lot of Muslims do not understand so I am not worried about None Muslims.

Terambulan � 2 wives put extra burden on social services? May be they should change law that only one wife can put the burden. How about all those rich Arabs living in Bays water area of London. I think social services are more in danger from the people who give birth to Fast food children with the help of 2.5 minutes jeckery pockery with any passer by and not from a proper father who can take responsibility.
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The cartoonist who depicted Mohammed with a bomb in his turban is still in hiding. Why should we allow other religions to dictate to us especially when it comes to the laws of the land. Accept it or get out!

ps. Whatever happened to Australia's strict immigration policy? Sureley it wasn't during PM Howards reign.
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Whether it is polygamy, halal meat, special courts, etc., certain Muslims seem to want to change the culture and legal systems of western democracies so that they become more and more Islamic.

Bit like the Jews then - they have their own court system in this country, they have kosher meat, and their women don't have the same rights as men.
This is Australia we are talking about. No doubt the government are kicking their butts down Bondai beach already!
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To be honest, I'm fine with it getting up people's noses. If there's insufficient popular support for these laws, they won't get through. Simple as that.

I don't support them. None of the rest of you seem to. Let them campaign for it by all means though.

And if people get themselves into a tizzy because the push-and-pull of democratic debate gets up their noses, then boo-hoo.

We'd be living on Daily Mail Island if we forced a silent so-called consensus on people.
You have to mention word Islam or Muslims on AB and people come running with all their views as�������let me think,

These yellow balloon thingys come running when you open AB now a days. Being a Muslim (with only one wife though) that makes me feel good. We are attracting people�������.wahoooooooooooooo
Thurs 26/06/08
12:37 Blimey, this is a bit much.

A section of society wants something to be made legal. The law currently prohibits it. So they campaign for a change in the law.

Like the Paedophiles ?
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Have you been out for a curry? When's the last time you had a lasagne?

If people coming here were to only follow this country's customs, then presumably you wouldn't want them cooking foreign food either?

their host country�s culture and legal systems which have often been in place for hundreds of years and have been forged in the blood sweat and tears of generations.

What about the old laws that women were not allowed to borrow money with a man guaranteeing it? Was that acceptable? Was it acceptable for women to protest?

What about the culture that made it acceptable to have slaves? Was it acceptable to demonstrate against that?

The Muslim people are not telling people that everyone should have two wives - they are saying that this already happens in their culture - please can you accept it.

Would you like to see Muslims arrested for polygamy if they are on holiday in this country?
"A section of society wants something to be made legal. The law currently prohibits it. So they campaign for a change in the law.

Like the Paedophiles?"

Yes, actually.
bazwillrun said "Thats what you get for allowing muslims into your country, they will try and impose their culture on you, they dont care about yours."

So the Christians imposing their beliefs upon the native Australians was wrong then was it?

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