I have been for a job interview today. They job pays less than my current job with more responsibility. My job I have now makes my head want to explode ( I'm a support worker - crap managers and mostly crap support workers - crap life for the residents - makes me mad). Im constantly frustrated and stressed to the point where it sometimes affects my breathing. The job is shift work and I sleep over around 8 nights a week.
The new job is more responsibility for less money (I will have to do extra work on weekend to make up shortfall). It is mostly office hours.
I want to start trying for a baby next year and this job I think would be better with a kid. But I have debts and need to pay them off, which will take longer with worse pay. If I am offered the job I don't know what to do. Anyone have any advice please.
ps Its a fair possibility I wont be offered the job so I am probably panicking over nothing.
If you get offered the less stressful job, even if it means less money, I'd take it. The stress of your present job on top of the stress of a baby could make you ill, then you wont be able to do either!
if you intend working for the long term, you need the job that will give you the most satisfaction. there's no point earning shedloads of money if you're miserable and don't have a moment to yourself.
I gree with all the others - get the stress out of your life and take the job if offered. Use this as breathing space to sort your debts out by downsizing as much as you can of your lifestyle, and you may not even need to do the extra work. Plus, from the sound of the new place, they proabably pay decent overtime - if so make yourself available for that. Good luck chuck.
Thanks everyone. I think you're all probably right. I haven't heard anything tho so I guess I'll get a thanks but no thanks tomorrow. I'll just have to keep looking :) Thanks again x
I've only just seen your message. Well, congratulations! I imagine that this great news has lifted some of the stress already! It must be a weight off your shoulders.