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Where is everyone ...

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theonlyone | 17:33 Sat 28th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
as it's so sloooooow and boring ...


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perhaps the sad muppets are playing golf ?
Can't talk, eating!
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didn't know you were gay knobby.

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I've been doing housework! So now I need to sit down with a Pimms (Wimbledon being the excuse for that!!)
knonuts is always gay, especially if he's loaded on the voddy and pimms. lol
Give us a chance! Just got in from work.
Now, you were saying?
hiya, havent been on in ages and i remember i had seen you name before, your a fellow scot? its bben a grey day here and am not well hows that for a Saturday sad or what!
Anyway hope your all well on here! lol
Hello theonlyone , just surfaced , going to have a glass of oj :-)
Afternoon all :-)
Here now, just finished ironing
hello to you lovely bigmamma! hope your mouth is all better.
Question Author
nice to know you are all in the land of the
living ...enjoy the rest of your day ....btw
alinic how's the job... remember you getting
a new one ... bfn
Thanks for asking, yip its going, thats all! wondering about my old one a lot, big changes, but am sure i will settle in at somepoint!
av a good weekend and hope to get back on soon
regards alinic

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Where is everyone ...

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