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been art for tikka massala

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logic | 23:35 Sat 28th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
But I reckan there was summat in it that affected me eyesite cos i can ardly see the keebord now as it keeps moving from one side to tother,
but worra nice nite, Mansfield bitter is the best you can get, and I've got a belly full of it.

D T H ?


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how are ya mate?

heres my new fotnote

" didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? "

Question Author
pffff a dno fkinnel.;;;;
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Question Author
Leggey yer stil louk ok ter me.
Question Author
no nobs sat i me chai
you don't go out often then Logic?!!!

I am sitting here drinking baileys!!!
Question Author
Baileys Brasso.
Baileys is loverly!!!

Better than that horrible water you call beer!!!!
Question Author
Sorry hunny, but I don't think yo now the fist thing about mansfield bere.
Question Author
Any way you can never empty a glas of baylys, unles you have a very longue tongue,

but I spose thats no prob too you. heh heh heh
My tongue is moist .....................

from drinking the baileys!
Question Author
well it wood be,

iv'e just posted summat and its gone somwere else wot's gooin off ?
Question Author
What I said was, seeing as i have had the last word for once i'm going to say goodnite, and
god bless.
Question Author
gnite funny,
enjoy the bayleys.
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been art for tikka massala

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