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What part of your childhood do you not want to let go?

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Eve | 11:53 Sat 28th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Do you still have or collect cuddly toys or love going to the zoo or circus or similar?


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After I'd written the last message, I did realize it sounded a bit mean, but she would've laughed and that's what matters!
Thanks for the lovely little poem. I have a practically photographic memory, so I have a lot to choose from!
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Awwww some lovely lovely memories :)

Feeling a lot better now :) xxx
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Ooh sorry, mine!

I still love zoos (anything with animals), fireworks, snow, anything like that.

Still love cuddly toys and Mr J always gets me one from each zoo we go to so I have a lovely memory :)

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What part of your childhood do you not want to let go?

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