hi jenna my husband has got ulcerative colitis and a hiatus hernier , like you has had scopes both ends several times also barium meals and enenmas ,biopsys taken and thankfully all ok and nothing sinister. we find his has a lot to do with what he eats, we dont fry anything only use low fat spreads and skimmed milk no white bread only brown .spicey foods also play him up as do fizzy drinks he always suffers if we go to the pub and he drinks beer .also in times of crisis he is far worse ,like you he suffers from bloating and awful wind and when he is having a flare up of colitis he smells awful over the years we have learned to manage it and it is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. his started when he was about 26 and was brought on by the stress of our baby of 8 mothns being very ill .nearly 30 years on we have learned to live with it and control it by his diet .when he was at his worst he was taking 2 different types of tablets ,steroids and colifoam enenmas and could not work as he had no bowel control now he takes only medication for the reflux i really hope all your tests come back ok