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your mission.....

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redcrx | 09:57 Mon 30th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
should you choose to accept it.

you have a party, everyone is drunk or unconscious. You have the following props

birthday candles spelling out HAPPY BIRTHDAY they are on little sticks.

describe what youd do!


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good morning redcrx. i can tell you had a great weekend. :-)

i'd heavily make up everyone, especially the males, nail polish and all.

not sure if i understood your question though.
Go to someone I don't like, paint them with the mascara and spell out P-R-A-T on them with the candles.
Question Author
lol zabo,

think you understood it well. I shall give answer soon.

I did once hear of a friend who woke up with his friends laughing at him, when he asked why they told him theyd shaved his eyebrows off.

He ran around the house trying to find a mirror to see the bald bits but his friends had hidden them. He was in a major panic as he had jpb interviews coming up (this was his graduation) and they just laughed and laughed.

The dosy bloke hadnt thought to feel for his eyebrows, if he had he'd have realised his friends were lying pmsl
I'd place the candles in everyone belly button, liight them, and watch the awake to the smell of burning belly hair, fluff and flesh
lol that's funny redcrx.
I would put the candles between peoples toes and light them, never done it with candles before but I bet its funnier than with matches lol

the idea what I would do with that
i'd use the mascara to paint moustaches on all the females and enlarge the eyebrows on the males.
Pixi at college we used to sit in a common room, and one of my mates always nodded off. We used to stick Rizlas all over his arms and light them! Best wake up call ever apparently!
lmao spaced, ive done the rizla thing too. Me an my mates once filled someones mouth with scrambled egg while they were sleeping, apart from the fact he nearly choked it was well funny (he was chewing it in his sleep) I will shurrup now before I have to change my name to evil pixi lol
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OMG I cant beleive how cruel you all are lol
I would put the mascara on their fingers and tickle their noses (and various other body parts). When they sctrach their noses etc.. they would spread the mascara..... Mwahhahaa
I did Sausages up noses on Saturday
Red - is this a case of the prize goes to the one who would put the Happy Birthday candles on A CAKE and the mascara on OUR EYELASHES!

Maybe we were thinking a bit too evil! LOL

x x x x

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lol oh no andrea. I was just wondering what everyone would do before i reveal what happened.
Oh thats ok then........

(resumes evil thoughts!)

Question Author
well the mascara made 'taches on most people, men and women, usual stuff

but one lady got a big smiley face drawn on her face and the candles? well 72/Party_041.jpg

was it rotten to treat a defenseless woman this way
she was in no way defenseless
Question Author
lol what had she done to deserve it 4get?
she was mental

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your mission.....

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