My best friend was asked to choose between her six month internet boyfriend (who she has never met, yet he controls her completely. Tells her when she has to be home by, who she can speak to, etc.) She had to choose between him and me (I've been her closest friend for several years now) and obviously, she chose me. Now she tells me, he tried commiting suicide last night (of which he has tried about 4 times to my knowledge, and has never suceeded) I don't believe he has even tried. And apparently, hes gonna keep on trying. Probably until she changes her mind. What am I suppose to do? I'm so angry, he just mentally bullies her constantly. It's not fair, I want to protect her.
He doesn't like me, because I've told helena what I think of him, which no-one else has the courage to do. So he thinks I'm a bad influence. So it's either me or him. And yes, it was his idea.
He sounds so manipulative. As Cazzz said, if she's not listening all you can do is be there for her when it all goes horribly wrong, which it will sooner or later. Fingers crossed she opens here eyes to him soon and can get on with her life and find a REAL relationship and realises what a good friend she has in you.