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how secure are you

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leyenda_dos | 02:52 Tue 01st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Well how secure are you in your sexuality?I spoke to someone today that ive known a long time .And i was surprised when they said that with me wearing crocs and having a man bag that they thought i was turning gay !!
Well i found that a bit silly.And im sure they know im straight as an arrow.So were they just being a friendly tease?Or was there a undercurrent of somethimng else?

" Well its pink and hairy.But im not sure if i should be stroking it like this !!! "



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People are influenced by tired stereotypes. A man-bag....define what yours is. If it is also known as a bum bag-well,I have NEVER seen a gay wearing one-they wouldn't be caught dead in one!!!! lol ...Besides---no-one "turns " gay.
Well if it's pink and airy, you must be looking at your matching handkerchief that's out on the line.......

Don't be daft!!!! I think people are joking with you, and even if they think it all sounds a bit camp - so what? Loads of men wear Crocs, especially now that they come in smarter styles as well - and a man bag's better than strolling round with a plaggy Tesco's bag!! What do you carry in it, anyway????

Just one point though - if you start to wear ribbons in your don't ask!!!!

Totally secure.

I never feel the need to qualify an observation about an attractive man by saying "I'm not gay but ...".

The people who matter know what and whom I am, the ones who don't matter don't ... matter.

So no problem.

I don;t wear crocs, but that's because I don't like them.
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Cheers andy.It did make me giggle because the person saying it really did know better.The games we play eh ?

" Are you sure that doesnt hurt the hamster ? "

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how secure are you

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