Question Author
Right then, (hope you've eaten it)
When squaddies` are on exercise or on operational tours they get ration packs that contain (amongst other things), boiled sweets. Each married soldier will keep all the green sweets for his kids when he gets home, he'll also swap his non green sweets for them from the single guys, and here's what happens.
As he enters his garden, the kids understandably go nuts due to not seeing their Dad for up to 6 months, the squaddie is also pleased to see his beloved offspring but will have other more 'urgent' needs that he and his wife need to attend to, so he'll chuck all the green sweets in the garden (see where this is going)? where they are camouflaged amongst all the grass making it harder for the kids to find them, thus giving him and his wife an extra few seconds to *ahem* get jiggy with it.
How was the sausage roll ;-)