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ingenious uses.............

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firewatch | 11:51 Thu 03rd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
what have you used a left over ice cream tub for?
Just asking as i have just used an old carte dor tub to re-pot a bonsai, its pot was to small and frankly it looks dead, but im giving it another shot.


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Storing berries picked from my garden. Holds many berries and fits perfectly in my freezer
To stash money in at the bottom of my garden.

But dont tell anyone ok ?

I once used one as a bath for a hamster but any empty cartons etc usually get thrown. :-) x
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my nan stashes them, say they will come in handy, that why we got some and thought it looks pretty good having a clear pot to see the roots growing.
Why would you need to bathe a hamster?

Mamma do you know the pet shop boys ?
Tee hee , he got himself into the wall cavity and was so dirty when he finally emerged 3 days later
I did wonder .
I had my dying goldfish in one on my lap as I saw him through his last hours mopping his brow
Eh !!!!

I keep my leftovers in mine!!!
I'm obsessed with trying to reuse packaging lol I use the white litre ice cream tubs for lots of things like the kids felts/pencils & for my spice powders, I use the flatter see through tubs for lunch boxes & I have a ferrero rocher box which I use to use to carry spare dummies but now I use it for sachets of sauce etc (which is another obsession of mine, everytime I'm out I have to take extra *blush*)
Joooo the tea leaf lol
Well its only sachets *blush* & they're free anyway lol
we always keep containers amd they get used for all sorts of things!!

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ingenious uses.............

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