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AB, Facebook members.

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Rtaxron | 13:44 Sat 10th May 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I would just like to inform you that I have joined AB Facebook group today and look forward to meeting new friends.


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Which group did you join? The AB appreciation or the Chatterbankers group?
yeah ive just looked and if you are there, i have no idea who you are.
Hello there , you will find it fun exploring it. Are you on there under your AB name or another ? x
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Hi Rtaxron, - can't find you x
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Not sure which group, didn't know there were 2 and haven't checked what I have to do about showing name etc yet, as its my first time on there.
Will check later as I have to pop to Tesco for some b&q stuff and wine.

You'd be better off going to B+Q for B+Q stuff, tee hee xx
You've joined the 'Chattebankers of the world united' group. I welcomed you this morning
Nooooooo .....don't buy barby stuff , that will bring rain for sure !!!!!
Gimme a clue to name please John xx
I think ive sussed out who it is. My powers of deduction are good today! :-) Im on fine form!

Hey Bath, i just saw you are now inspector of flip flops! Im off to put mine on! Sitting here in the wrong footwear!
As you know the group is now 'closed' and membership is by invite only therefore any new potential members are asked for thier AB username, I promise them that I wont divulge that information so I'm sorry, I can't give you a clue as to Rtaxron's identity
No probs John! x
Question Author
I have just been filling in some of my profile, but when I put in my town, it keeps coming up its in Ireland?
Suffolk aint in ireland is it ?



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AB, Facebook members.

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