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Another nonsense query.....

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pastafreak | 00:46 Sun 06th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
can you bend over from your waist.....and rest your hands flat against the floor???? anyone double-jointed?????


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I can put my hands flat on the floor from standing, yes. I only have double-jointed big toes though, which is totally useless!
Erm...well I can easily touch my toes, but not sure about hands being flat on the floor. To answer you - neither, at the moment!!! Lol. x
Yep pastey I am proud of being one of the ones that can do that cause I may be a bit old but I have always looked after my body and been fit and have just done that
You're not a bit old knobby. You look lovely.
Easy pessie
And yes I can still bend over from my waist and do the crab walk
Hee pasta , I'm glad this is your thread and not a fellas , or I may have thought that was an order ! Oh , and no I can't do that anymore , though used to be very supple . xxx
yes, I am hyper-mobile!
Yep- i can do it, no probs. Think it's more to do with the length of your arms than fitness though! x
Question Author
LOL @ mamma!!.....I am the oldest of you lot....and I can still do it-;-)
We all have our moments bigmamma, and I'm sure you used to bre able to give everyone a run for their money! x

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