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Coin machine in asda

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PatriciaH | 11:29 Mon 07th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

The ones you put all your loose chande in ,Do they give notes or vouchers to spend in store ?


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Its a voucher - and beware yo have to spend it in store THAT DAY!!

I got caught out once and lost about �15 of vouchers which was even more annoying cos it was my childrens!
The same machine in my local spar gives u a receipt which you take to the till, remember though will take a percentage of the total count!
Thats a bit naughty by asda, i know they dont charge so much,but at least i can just get the cash and spend outwith the spar!
Hiya Pat, I save all my coppers during the year and then at Christmas take them to the coin machine in Tesco. You can either get the amount knocked off your shopping or take the voucher to customer services and they will give you the cash. I know you have some commision (sp) knocked off but it saves counting all those 1p and 2p.
2 ways to cope with all the 1p 2p 5p coins. Either wait until you have exactly 99p in small change, then pay for something at say �1-99 with the exact money - you'll be the only person to do it. Or, each time you go through a checkout, put all the small denomination coins into a charity box.
Hi everyone.
At Sainsbury's you get a voucher to take to customer services + they give you cash. The machine takes 7% xx
If you contact "The Childrens Society" (Goole it) they will supply you with a charity box.
Then you can put ALL your small denomination coins in and know you are doing some good.
Our "Peg" and I put all coins under 10p in at the end of each day. Surely much better than "saving" the money.
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Thanks all .... i think il get some bags from the bank , its my sons money and there must be at least �50.00 , I WILL have the commision for sorting and taking it to the bank : )
a lot of banks will only accept a certain amount of bags, i think its usually 5 so it may be just as worthwhile to go to the coin machine and get it over and done with

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