I used to collect tea cards from PG Tips. Theyre worth a bit these days. Whenever i open a new packet of tea the smell takes me right back to my childhood.
yes andrea they did. I still have some stickers in my scrap book. Hau my nan used to give us the pg tips cards, I remember the mysteries of the unexplained ones with Big Foot and those girls with the fairies at the bottom of the garden
Yes red I never went on one, :-( but I did run after the horse and cart to collect the straw doughnuts, had tons of it in my tin bath but at least it was free and kept us warm when we slept under it.
Hi mamma, hope you are well. lol, xx it was warm and cosy, and when we did get a bed I never realised thay had mattress, we snuggled under the old news of the world cos it was the biggest paper,.