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Clicking the Topics

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IndieSinger | 15:12 Fri 21st Jan 2005 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers

And here I go with the pickiest suggestion so far on the new-look site. I find the font used for the "Topics" over there on the left rather fiddly and piddly. And widdly. Too small, at any rate. Would it be possible to make the whole row a clickable panel link, rather than just the characters of the words themselves?


And also, AB Editor, have you braced yourself and got in extra staff in anticipation of the barrage of comments about to come your way? Good luck! :)



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Wow!  I like the new layout!  I was shockled at first, but objectively it's more wackykooreseska than the old one, so it probably just takes getting used to.

I'm doing this second paragraph to see how the return thingy will appear in the answer.  i.e. will it still have a double-space resturn in the answer-box but a single-return in the published version?

P.S. Yes I agree about the small fondle size of the topics.

Indie Singer.  I think you are right.  The  topics do not stand out clearly enough.  The dotted lines don't help.


Generally, I think the changed look is  fine!

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