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AB Confessional

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brachiopod | 00:30 Wed 09th Jul 2008 | Site Suggestions
14 Answers
Can we have a Confessional category? And can I start it off?

Forgive me AB-Ed, for I have sinned. Forsaking my duty to Science, I have just posted in Body & Soul. I shall duly recite three Periodic Tables and don roughly woven Corchorus olitorius fibres whilst sitting in a pile of cold, solid combustion products.



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Hmmm, brachiopod,

I think you should have a word with your Priest.
Question Author
My what? I'm a bleedin' atheist, y'know !!

OK then,

What about a Buddhist Monk?
hi tommy :0)
Question Author
Eh? What about a Buddhist monk?

Were you advising on which moisturiser to use again? Tut... We'll see the Prof in Gaming next!
What's wrong with plain old 'Sack-cloth and Ashes'?
The mental image just inspired by gen2 isn't nice. Although I do think it's just my mucky mind.

I think that can be my confession for the night. I have unclean thoughts.
Question Author
Hello China, hello gen.

I don't know, I have a couple of ciders after work and a rock badger kebab on the way home - and all of a sudden, I'm venturing into places I've never been and wanting to take on all of AB !!

Think it's time to fit that breathalyser to me 'pooter........
And the mental images just keep on coming.

Rock badger kebab?!

I need mind bleach now.
Hope the badger kebab doesn't have TB
Fear not for there is still hope for you my dear man . Your soul is not yet forsaken as you have not yet succom (sic) to the evil pleasures of the chatterbank and all its sins therein
Question Author
Hold thy tongue, johnny.5!! Mention not the C-word on this thread !
Would there be a vacancy on another category? I need a change, and I'm sure I could bring loads to any new area.
*cough cough*

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AB Confessional

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