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its so boring

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eddiej | 20:32 Wed 09th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Is anyone out there having a more throbbing night than we are


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my nights not exactly throbbing but its blipping along nicely :) Im chilled out, got loads of sweets and listening to scuzz :)

Despite the AB Ed's excellent attempt to rid Chatterbank of the idiots . . . there are still the isolated ones about. Look out enotrapfodne - Dynorod are after you.
Not yet, but I will be in an hour when my man gets ere, if you get my drift!!!
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is your fella really boring or does he just have a big rigging set. is that what you mean ??????
Far from boring! put it this way, we are gonna have fun fun fun!
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fun fun fun eh you cant be having more fun than us radar plottin !!

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its so boring

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