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whiffey | 19:04 Thu 10th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Time after time I see people post YEAH instead of YES. Why? YEAH is an extra letter over YES, so presumably the poster is thinking "gotta look cool here yo chicky hack down in coolness". To type YEAH you have deliberately to press the four keys "Y E A H". In English we say YES. I think they just look totally stupid.


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keep your bodly functions to urself whiff.
let your yeah be yeah
Na sorry not whiffey enough try again
I wouldn't have thought it was lazy typing as Yeah requiers one more letter than yes.
Maybe I'm missing the point.
it's not sharp enough.
I would sigh and add 'yeah we have NorbertNoBrain in the thread'
And ''Yep, its his lump of lard sidekick joining in from Tenerife'
You have your mission Jim and in 15 minutes time this post will self destruct
10 minutes and counting
Mr ED you just have no idea do you.

You silly little boy.
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NO !!!!! FFS, look at your keyboard. Type YE, then look at what you have to do to follow up with AH rather than the simpler S.

So - why do people say YEAH ? Is it because they are pathetic people, failed in real life, nothing better to do than post crap on here?

Any last requests
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A complete non-sequitur, sod off.
Bye then
Yes, when I wake up tomorrow can NorbertNobrain and the lump be gone forever ?
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e2f'

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Answer', table '@tAnswers'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

/Toolkit/answ.asp, line 599

What the deuce?! ^^^^

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