Just in case you haven't sent in for it already, may I remind you that the Mystery Theme Quiz, organised by St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild, is available at �1.00 per sheet.
Please send a CHEQUE (made payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild) and a large stamped self-addressed envelope to:-
Jill, 3 Church Street, Deeping St. James, Peterborough, PE6 8HF.
I will try to get the quiz sheets back to you as soon as possible but please be patient during the summer months as I do go away on the occasional break!
PLEASE NOTE - It is not a good idea to send a �1 coin in the post. I have latterly received requests for quiz sheets where sadly the money has been stolen from the envelope whilst in transit.
The closing date is March, 2009, so you still have plenty of time.
Please may I remind you to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your cheque. I have received two incomplete requests for quizzes this week - one enclosed an UNstamped envelope & the other no envelope at all.