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knobynonuts | 18:52 Fri 11th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Off to yoville anybody care to join me, meet you in the sky nightclub at 19.00 hrs after I clock on at the widget factory.

Now that sounds like fords it was the only place until yoville where the workers clocked on there and then went straight to the local pub.

Doc are you up for it tonight my main man


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Now you say you'll be there knobby but the last time you said this I turned up at 10pm in the bar waiting for you and Doc and no one turned up!!

What server will you be on?
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Oh sorry wingy I probbably fell over outside and they would not let me in (as usual) I am going into there now and I will shout out for answerbankers in there
I went around begging for money when I used yoville (the only time I went on) people thought I was a loser :D
Which server knobby??
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What you mean I will give you a sign there
Stay there, don't come back here ever, there's a good chap.
You have to pick a server now, 3001 is the one for over 30's to use. I'm off to nightclub now.
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Watch it whiffey or I will throw a water balloon on your bike
-- answer removed --
Add your friends as 'buddies'... whichever server you choose is then not important... it will take you to where your buddies are...

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