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What song/and group

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funkyrich | 16:59 Sat 22nd Jan 2005 | Music
4 Answers

 What song and group,I think from the 1970's,uses the following lyrics-"I've been through the desert on a horse with no name"?  later on the chorus has some la la laas in it. It sounds reminiscent of Simon &Garfunkal but I'm sure its not.



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The song is 'A Horse With No Name' and it's by a band called America
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Niel Young wrote and sang it. America (sp?) covered it and had the bigger hit.
Hmmm, I'm fairly sure that it was a member of America who wrote it, I don't have the album to hand at the moment but a quick search on Google indicates that it was Dewey Bunnell who wrote the song.

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