Does anyone out there use NoteWorthy Composer to create music? This involves inserting note by note and chord by chord onto a typical blank music staff, then saving the end product as a MIDI or other file.
In the course of making, one needs to re-play parts several times to check accuracy. After a PC upgrade, I found that replaying, before saving the end product, did not produce any sound. Eventually in NoteWorthy Player (another part of the NoteWorthy CD installation) I discovered that the volume control slider was at zero. Whilst I can temporarily adjust this to produce sound, I cannot find how to set it so that it does not keep defaulting to zero every time I switch off. Something to do with Windows I believe. Does anyone else have experience of this please?
No help I'm afraid, but I have found the same thing with Midi Maestro. I think it may be connected with WMP 11. The midi volume slider quite often reverts to zero.
That's interesting rojash thank you. I also have WMP11, but forget what it was before the PC went it for service. I've used the NoteWorthy software for about four years and didn't have the default to zero problem previously.