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Ditloid help please

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macmacmacmac | 21:49 Sat 12th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Hey, i'm struggling with these bad boys if anyone can help. Thanks in advance!

a) 3=BC in a RR

b) 13= W in a C

c) 7 = F a SN to BT

d) 13 = T in a GS


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13 Tricks in a Grand Slam
b) 13 Witches in a Coven
d) 13 Tricks in a Grand Slam
13 witches in a coven
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Thanks for your help!
7 for a secret never to be told

(the rhyme about magpies, l for sorrow, 2 for joy, etc)
3 baton changes in a relay race

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Ditloid help please

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