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Dear Ice.Maiden...

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Lie-in King | 01:06 Sun 13th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I'm hoping that your recovery continues apace & that this week you might be well enough to enjoy these? 80g_tray_chocolates.jpg

All the best!


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Well!!!!!! I keep asking for people to get him on here...but no one seems to know him personally!
And no, L-inK, the flowers were very interesting as well.
o les be
frends then


i will if you will le be
les be

les be

my mate
oohpss frend les be frnds


stars dropped

star drops i lv those sweetiesssssssss
ROFL at Monts!!!!!!!
Question Author
Apologies, Ice.Maiden, I keep losing my connection!

Other than the singer in that awful band, I don't know a "Fish", though I get the feeling I might not be au-fait enough with the CB banter to get the reference?!

I'm just having fun, with no motive other than trying to cheer you up after a worrying time!

And I like my AB anonymity - after all, if someone on here actually knew who I am, they might tell all & we can't be having that...!! Mwahahahah!! :-))

Gotta hit my pit now, so I'll bid you a fond adieu! x
No problem at all, L-in-K.
The reference to Fish...who IS the singer, just happens to crop up now and again - nothing more.
It doesn't matter who you are, and I'm slowly but surely recovering from my op. It's not something which I'd wish on others. It's nasty, to be honest, but there are plenty of people worse off than me, so thanks again for your words.

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Dear Ice.Maiden...

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