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I know im not popular !

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Drisgirl | 16:01 Mon 14th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
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Why do people persist in posting nasty things-im only talking specifically for myself.

I only post my opinion -I am never personally nasty to anyone -its really not in my nature -yet 3 times in less than a day 3 different people have been personally nasty to me -not just posting a difference of opinion -being childishly nasty.

I dont get it !!

I must be maturing -thats the upside !!

Any chance I can get a hiatus -I need one -i'll let ya all know when you can start being snidey again !!


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Drop me a PM dris and I will send you a copy of my handbook "How to be extremely popular". It worked for me, it can work for you too.

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aw cheers Nox (x) whiff and red !!

Think you all know me well enough to know I wouldnt throw myself to the lions -by posting this thread-unless i was truly perplexed.

Therein lies the prob- by some of the posts I have had on this thread -they quiite simply dont know me at all!!

la john -I was baffled by getting 4 snidey posts to my 6posts -within a day -but each one was a 'no-mark' -someone I dont interact withreally not a case of ding ding -unique for me even !

Love me -or whatever -sorry not being funny cant remember your user name -on previous page -legend is well capable of standing up for himself -doesnt need anyone to back him up at all -yet again if you knew me then you would know there is a history and its personal.
Stuff em all Dris,

go to the site where we all love you, its full of

Dont look pixi if your reading this
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Aww thats well good John -cheers xx

Hope pix doesnt see it -it'll be on her faves -tee hee !!!
Drisgirl, don't worry. You'll never be as unpopular as me! I've never had an arguement with anyone, never been nasty to anyone, yet when I join a thread, it often stops dead.
I joined around 18th June. Everything I said was completely ignored and often still is. However, people must be reading my posts as I notice that "methinks" is becoming popular. I've used this word for years and thought I'd get vilified for it. A couple of other phrases of mine, (and methinks), have appeared in one person's posts. They're a very popular person so I gather, they're passing my phrases off as their own and getting lauded for it. Such is life. How unoriginal!
I also use prithee? and sirrah. Let's see how long it takes for them to do the rounds.
alec, this place is a bubbling pot, the slightest word out of line and you will get a verbal drubbing. methinks has been doing the rounds here for years.
First off Dris, wanted to pass on my sympathies about your ex. Bit late but haven't been on here that much. Hope time brings some relief. Second bit. Know I'm not your fave person. You've posted nasty stuff before. Read it and had it forwarded by stirrers. Talking back to Froggers now. We sorted that privately. You ain't a bad person dris. You just had your run of bad luck. Posting this gives the bad uns chance to dig at you over and over. NOt saying you let them win but step back a bit. Best thing I ever did. What you don't read can't get to you.
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Aww Sir Alec -I like you when you post -just havent been on so much lately to get to know you x
Know what you mean about the copying -some had an issue couple of weeks back and lets say things I said privately became common to the person -however he knew I would have said it to his face so thats not the issue -he has started to use the phrases I used privately -and he thinls I am so dumb I cant see it -well I can -na na na na nah lol !!

Man that was major mature -cue la john -ta -ra !!!

Stick with us Sir alec -the whole site has gone t!ts up lately -a lot of nasties but persevere -I have nade the most amazing friends from here and another site -they are my rocks in real life -meet frequently and have holidays -seen me through my darkest hours -hope you can make pals as well -im here for one lol -well I mean seriously like !!!
Drisgirl, thank you for your kind words. I thought lajohn WAS Legend. Their language is so similar. I try not to get involved, but so often see the underdog being bullied on here, to the extent that some people I enjoyed talking with have left. Sad.
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DD -thanks for that -I knew I was throwing myself open by posting this but sometimes its neccessary to get all the bad blood out-I dont know these people -if it was Legend for example- it wouldnt bother me but its the randoms who hide -well they do bother me -cos I dont know if I know them or not.Im just siuspicious by nature now and you cant blame me for that !!
Think im gonna have to take a step back because things are even worse than before -just when we -(as in me and my children) get a glimpse of the light at the end of the long tunnel something else happens -just has happened last Friday --it was in all the Nationals and on all the TV and Radio bulletins -we -in the year since it happened havent had any respite-its been the worst time of my life and I dont anticipate anything equalling that apart from something worse happening to my children -just had to break it to J today -let her get T in the Park over with -she is fine but she is still smashed -so thats me in for another round.Thanks for acknowledging it -that means a lot to me x.I would hope that the past is firmly in the past -it certainly is with me -life is so short for cr@p and thats what it was.Its been nice seeing ya again -hope things are cool with you -youve actually cheered my day up -blast from the past xxx

Sir Alec-stick with us -we all have our off days -or nights lol -but in the main 99% of the postere on her are A1 -its just getting to know the genuine ones -stick by me -honest i'll keep ya right xxx
oh woe is me!!!! what does it matter about what people say on line ffs it is not real you need to concentrate on whats going on in your personal life , as for cyberspace take it with a pinch of salt

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