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Tis the witching hour.....

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pastafreak | 02:54 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
...and if I don't go else nite sweeties!! xxxx


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Surely not already???? Splutter! But..but....
Stay downstairs and drink your Horlicks first!!! x
nite gimpo

hope old montys ok

Monty'll be fine. I have faith in her bouncing back.
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need my beauty sleep!!
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Give her my best wishes if you speak to her leggy......nite all!! xxxx
Er...has she gone???? Have you gone as well leggy????
im going now

icey its 95 degrees here in day

make syou tired

It must be around 58-60 here atm. It's really muggy.
Night to you both. xx
Pasta, its only 9:45 in Central Park. let's go for a stroll, sniff the ambiance, check out the weirdos, and share a foot-long!

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Tis the witching hour.....

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