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Incapacity Benefit

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mrs_overall | 14:43 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
I've just read another Q further down about IB and the answers say that IB is NOT means tested. My sister receives IB but only a fraction of the amount shown on the goverment website. When she queried it, she was told it's because she receives an occupational pension of �400 a month.
Is this right or are the answers to the other Q wrong?


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Incapacity Benefit is a contributory benefit and therefore not means-tested. Entitlement to Incapacity Benefit may be affected by any personal, occupational or public service pension a person receives. However, other income and capital is ignored. fit.htm

Pension Income
If you make a new claim for Incapacity Benefit we may take any pension income over �85 a week into account when we work out how much money you are due.
If your pension income increases or decreases you must tell us straightaway as this may affect the amount of Incapacity Benefit you get.
By pension income we mean one of the following pensions

* occupational pension
* personal pension
* public service pension
* stakeholder pension
* a pension from a self-employed pension scheme
* permanent health insurance payments arranged by an employer and the contract of employment has ended
* pension protection fund payments due to employer insolvency. rmation/a-z_of_benefits/incapacity_benefit_gbi .htm

If you receive a private/occupational pension over �85 a week your Incapacity Benefit will be reduced. The reduction will be 50p for every pound of pension you get over �85 per week, for example if you private pension is �95 a week your Incapacity Benefit will be reduced by �5 a week. I care/moneymatters/benefitsadvice/ben
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Ethel, many thanks for your clear and comprehensive answer.
It's a worrying time as my sis is very ill and is making herself worse fretting over the money situation and a forthcoming medical.
Thanks again. xx
I only copy and pasted.

Has you looked at Disability Living Allowance, Income Support and the other benefits?
Question Author
Yes she has.
She's had her claim for DLA refused and is not eligible for Income Support because of the occupational pension she receives.

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Incapacity Benefit

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