I started a job roughly 1.5 months ago as a sales admin. I currently live about 80 miles away from my family and with various things going on I need to move back to be near them.
My dilemma is...I have to give 2 months notice on my house but only a week for my job. They are talking about loads of training and I feel really guilty that they are going to invest time and money on me when I won't be there in 2 months time. Thing is if I tell them now there is a chance they will tell me to leave straight away, therefore I lose out on money. I just feel so guilty because I don't want to leave them in the lurch!! Any advice? Has anyone had any similar situations?
I would try and stick it out at the present job to get the training and experience. When you move you'll be more qualified and experienced; both of which will be assets to finding another job.
Thanks I will but I am finding it really hard not to say anything! It is a very small company so I just feel so guilty! Damm my Mum for bringing me up to be so honest!! :)
its good to see some open honest people out there, but seriously, as shaking says... look after number one on this occasion. there will be someone right behind you to step into your shoes when youve gone.