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Does any one want to make chips?

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puddicat | 21:06 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Today i have a slice of toast and black pudding in a roll and 3 sweets from a very nice man lol and i am gettin g hungry now have some lamb chop and some spuds that need to be made into chips any offers


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Would that be chocolate chips then and how's your friends ass
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no homemade knobs dont buy packet chips!!!
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sorry didnt realise we were cross referencing!"!!
taking sweets from a "nice man" sounds iffy, Puddi!
I make the best home made chips you have ever tasted the secret is to par boil them first but I would say for about 6-7 minutes once they come to the boil am not sure about the time really I just take them off the boil when it feels right
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sara how are you, the guy from the mail depot was pug ugly lol,my sweets were from my sons mate to say thanks for letting him use my carspace for a car that he is renovating got a bottle of wine a well!!!
you should have added that to your juggling skills on the skillsbank q knobby
Blimey cazzzy theres no flies on you is there.

Not like my nice new shiney bin
well I guess that's swings and roundabouts then!
Another good way to make fabby chips is to do them the continental way - cook reasonably slowly in hot oil then remove when they start to soften and drain on kitchen paper. Then turn the oil up a bit and pop the chips back and quickly fry them until they turn golden brown. They come out crispy not soggy and flaccid like you get in British chippies.
Juggs having managed a chipshop.what you just decribed sounds exactly like blanching the chips.

if so its common practice in some chippies, incase you didnt know : 0)

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Does any one want to make chips?

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