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Do you enjoy cooking?

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frankofile | 21:38 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I only ask this, as sometimes I feel like a freak. I could not cook a thing until I left home, so am entirely self taught. But I get a real sense of satisfaction from producing a "cooked from scratch" meal. Tonight, after 10 hours on my feet, I cooked coq au vin with new potatoes and freshley dug carrots. I am Definatly not looking for any sort of medal, I do it cos I genuinlly enjoy it, but why do my colleagues treat me as a freak, as they buy their fish and chips? Also I seemed to be the only one at work who was shocked by a colleague who announced that her 6 month old grand daughter "loved a Mars bar", Did this 6 month old ask for a Mars bar?


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Oi I make the best roasts and yoprkies on here by a mile just ask le duck and all my previous birds and I do a very mean roast lamb as well.

Now that is openned up for suggestions annit
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Knobby , is your speling very bad or have you had a sherbet
franko - Something easy for a novice to start off with, lettuce?
Oh no!!! are Not a freak!! It is lovely to know that people still get joy out of cooking a meal from scratch. It has always given me a real sense of satisfaction...that's why I decided to get paid to do it-lol
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rossetts, don't even go down the lettuce path, the slugs always win!!
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Pastsfreak . if I thought anyone would pay me I'dgive up the day job in a flash!!!!
Frankie I have just read your post about your ex and I am rolling around on the floor with laughter was that really for reall.

Anyway I will let you into a little secret about yourkies you buy a decent packet mix and they tell you to add one egg and so much water well do the water mix half and half with milk but not 700 millifingys make iot 600 and add two eggs not one and they will rise perfectley just like a person on viagra
Mmmm, lamb is my favourite meat :o)
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Yes Knobby. that is for real. But I can go better than that. I never thougt I'd put this on line, Ex husband refused to enter supermarkets as they were for girlies. When I was in hospital with brat No.! Husband said he would do the weekly shop. BUT only if I wrote it in order of how the items were displayed going round the aisles. I managed this, but at the end I wrote "TONIGHTS TEA" eg sausages or something. Ex Husband went to the Tea Aisle and asked the shelf stacker, "Do you stock tonights tea" they had red label tea, typhoo tea etc, she fell about laughing at the idea. He has never forgiven me, Mind you he has never paid a penny of maintenance so maybe a hollow victory for me!!
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Thank you frainkie your post on here has been very cool and i aint taking the pee you have been a breath of fresh air on here amongst the the fools that get on this site.

Keep the good work up babe.

Well I asume you are femail but hell whattever
Don't give up the day job, never pays enough!!!
I must be invisible this evening :o/

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Hey Knobby I am female, but no one has ever called me a babe, so you are my star tonight!!
No lai you arta not inviisy
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Pastafreak it can't pay less than wot I'm doin
Frankey for gods sake how did you put up with that and I know tihs will sound a bit nasty now but are you for reall as so far I think you are as there is so many trollls on here just lately butI my heart says that you are for reall but my brain says something else
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Knobbey , I didn't know any better. anyhow Wot would I, have done . Even if you're enlighteened and in love, wot do you do
No, I don't mind cooking. We don't have takeaways very often, or any kind of fast food really, so it's a case of having to. I wish i had more time to bake though. I really enjoy that.

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